iBizSoft improves Oracle iStore with Web 2.0 features
iBizSoft has been working very closely with Onninen, Norway team to improve the overall iStore navigation and performance with the help of Web 2.0 features. Improvements were noticed in the following areas
1. AutoSuggest of products in the Search box
2. Considerable improvement in Cart Performance
3. Price Comparison with alternate products, MyFavourites, Most Purchased List
4. New look Welcome Bin
Contact support@ibizsoftinc.com if you need any technical information on this integration
1. AutoSuggest of products in the Search box
By implementing AutoSuggest, we eliminate general typing errors that users could make while searching for a product. In addition, the products start showing up in the Search box as soon as the user starts putting in a few characters
2. Considerable improvement in Cart Performance
iBizSoft came up with a unique solution to improve Cart performance by eliminating the need to call the Pricing APIs that display the price in a Cart. Users would add items to the cart, and price is calculated only when the user clicks on the Cart icon.
3. Price Comparison with alternate products, MyFavourites, Most Purchased List
New functionalities were introduced to give a unique shopping experience to the users fully integrated with the ERP modules. These features assist the users in their decision process when purchasing an item.
4. New look Welcome Bin
Welcome bin is more informational on the current site. More easy access to change setup that will affect the users daily business with Onninen, making it easier in the purchase process, allowing the user to decide if the orders are to be shipped for pickup at a nearby express outlet.
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