Setting up Loopback Servlet in iPayment
Loopback servlet is an out of the box servlet that Oracle provides to do some preliminary tests. Setting up the servlet is a pretty easy task. One of the tasks that implementors forget is to add the following line of code to the file. Additionally, set up a Sample Payment System and make sure it is the Default Payment system for Credit Cards.
Any operation (Authorization or Capture) you do using LoopBack via the iPayment UI (using the Operations tab) is updated in the iby_trxn_summaries_all table and other relevant iby tables.
Let’s take a quick look at the code of LoopBackServlet
package oracle.apps.iby.bep.loop;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
import oracle.apps.iby.bep.BEPAdapter;
import oracle.apps.iby.bep.BEPServlet;
// Referenced classes of package oracle.apps.iby.bep.loop:
// LoopBackAdapter
public class LoopBackServlet extends BEPServlet
public LoopBackServlet()
m_loopAdapter = new LoopBackAdapter();
protected BEPAdapter makeAdapter()
throws ServletException
return m_loopAdapter;
public static final String RCS_ID = “$Header: 115.0 2001/05/07 15:30:19 pkm ship $”;
public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED = VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(“$Header: 115.0 2001/05/07 15:30:19 pkm ship $”, “oracle.apps.iby.bep.loop”);
protected LoopBackAdapter m_loopAdapter;
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